SUFFERN, N.Y., (GLOBE NEWSWIRE), September 4, 2019 — CDx Diagnostics®, developer of the WATS3D diagnostic platform for the screening and surveillance of Barrett’s esophagus (BE), a known precursor to esophageal cancer (EC), today announced that the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE) has included WATS3D in its Standards of Practice Committee’s guideline for the screening and surveillance of BE.
"It is our hope that broader use of WATS3D can potentially transform EC into a preventable disease. I would like to thank the physicians who have participated in our clinical studies for their guidance and dedication as well as the CDx team led by Dr. Mark Rutenberg for enabling us to reach this pivotal milestone today," said William Huffnagle, CEO of CDx Diagnostics.
GLOBE NEWSWIRE, September 4, 2019