Innovative technology that reliably detects dysplasia and makes cancer prevention possible.
Learn MoreStay informed about your health and the benefits of advanced technology that finds precancerous cells.
Learn MoreFinding dysplasia (precancer) while it’s still harmless is the key to preventing cancer.
In addition to WATS3D for screening and evaluation in the esophagus, CDx Diagnostics is partnering with healthcare professionals with an additional diagnostic test that help make oral cancer preventable.
Oral cancer kills about as many Americans as melanoma and twice as many as cervical cancer.
Oral Cancer is rising in women, young people and non-smokers.
Over 25% of oral cancer victims have no known risk factors.
Oral spots are tissue changes in the mouth, typically white or red areas. They may be found on the tongue, inside of the cheek, or elsewhere in the mouth, and may occur in response to multiple factors such as long-term irritation. They are clinically referred to as “leukoplakia” (white) or “erythroplakia” (red) if their cause is not known.
Basically, you have to look and pay attention. If you notice a white or red “spot” or area while you are brushing and flossing it needs to be monitored.
If it doesn’t go away within 10 to 14 days, it should be brought to the attention of your dentist or physician. They can test it to make sure it doesn’t contain abnormal cells, and if left alone, could progress to oral cancer.
If they tell you that it’s “nothing” but it doesn’t go away, you need to bring it to their attention again and ask for a BrushTest or get a second opinion.
Not at all. The majority of spots in the mouth don’t contain abnormal cells. However, spots can indicate to your doctor exactly where unhealthy cells may be located.
Most of the time oral spots are benign, but it’s important to get them tested. Just like a pap smear, OralCDx® allows doctors to identify abnormal cells at an early stage and remove them before they can harm you—before the spot has a chance to progress to oral cancer.
It’s great that your doctor performs an annual “visual” screening. It’s an important first step. He’s looking for changes in your mouth such as areas with color and/or textures different from the surrounding areas.
The BrushTest is a virtually painless way for your doctor to test these areas, or “spots”. Unless there is a clear cause (such as a cheek bite or rubbing tooth), there is no way for him to look at these oral spots and know that they don’t contain unhealthy cells.
The OralCDx BrushTest provides evaluation and results by expert pathologists that can guide your doctor in further management.
Yes. The BrushTest is necessary because doctors can’t treat the patient until they know what something is. Some dentists may choose to use a light to look around your mouth to find spots, but they are not equipped to perform a formal screening. The light cannot tell why the spots are there, which spots are healthy, and which contain abnormal cells. To do this, the cells have to be analyzed under a microscope by pathologists. OralCDx is used to help determine the cause of your spots and to make sure that they aren’t precancerous. It’s similar to the pap smear.
Even though it’s minimally invasive and done right in the dentist’s office, the OralCDx BrushTest® has been shown to be at least as sensitive as a scalpel biopsy in ruling out oral precancer and cancer. Its accuracy has been demonstrated in large published clinical studies, including a major clinical trial conducted at 35 U.S. dental schools.
Its use by over 30,000 dentists has already detected precancerous cells in thousands of patients, long before they could progress to oral cancer.
Most patients say that it feels like a stiff toothbrush being rubbed on the spot. Different areas of the mouth will feel different depending on sensitivity. You can use a topical anesthetic to ease any potential discomfort.
Browse our library of information related to esophageal cancer prevention.
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